0.0.00 - Initial Script "cpu.sh" 0.0.01 - Some improvements 0.0.02 - New Projekt- / Script-Name = avr.sh / AvrLogger 0.0.03 - Script cleaned up and modularized 0.0.04 - New: "Moving Avarage Filter" and output to CSV file 0.0.05 - New: i2c sensor added Argument not applicable. Script is executed endlessly, abort with Ctrl-C or kill 0.0.06 - DEBUG mode implemented: outputs "only" in the shell Script now knows its own directory: "workingDir" 0.0.07 - "avr.config" implemented. 0.0.08 - Possibility to add the CPUlog file "Mark as' (with BOM)". 0.0.09 - Directory structure created (/config ; /date ; /templates) 0.0.10 - $LOGFILE implemented. 0.1.01 - SVG graphics engine installed. 0.1.02 - Readership rewritten, is now much faster. Legend implemented in SVG: Position X-Y and orientation: cross "next to each other" / high "one below the other" Identification Type: Line / Circle / Square 0.1.03 - "raw" values are written to an extra file. Importing and converting from the CSV file is no longer necessary. (FiLo Memory - First in / Last out (1440 lines / values) 00.01.04 - Changed version number Terminal mask created $LOGFILE "messages" will now be written correctly Timing integrated in ms New: set -o nounset # Exit script if try to use an uninitialised variable SVG engine now also has a version number 00.01.05 - TEST mode implemented. Data is stored in separate files 01.00.00 - AvrLogger & SVG-Engine have left the "beta" status 01.00.01 - Fixed a bug that caused each plot to take longer to update 01.00.02 - Function "GetValue" now ignores comments after the string between the quotation marks "" 01.01.00 - Avr / SVG Optimized runtime. (SVG-Update with 6 PLots ca. > 0,5s) 01.02.00 - SVG: Borders for axis label and legend are created automatically. 01.02.01 - Vertical timeline works again 01.02.02 - New: Start-Script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/avr_start.sh [ start | stop ] 01.02.03 - Archiving function implemented by CSV and SVG 01.02.04 - AvrLogger now checks if an instance is already running and complaining Vertical Timeline now scales well with AvrTick 01.02.05 - Archiving had archived in "all" log modes: CSV-File will no longer be archived in "Free"-Mode as planned SVG-Graphics were not saved in "Free" mode and will be archived as planned in all modes In AvrMode "TEST", the SVG-Graphic was overwritten with "test.svg". 01.02.06 - Test function for OIDs implemented If the environment sensor does not respond, it will be deactivated 01.02.07 - New: SynoCom = rocommunity from /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf It is no longer necessary to activate the SNMP-service 01.02.08 - Main loop optimized An error in the script prevents AvrLogger from working if the path to AvrLogger contains a space. Now AvrLogger runs in ANY directory. 01.02.09 - If the environmental sensor has not responded after a reboot, try again in 60 seconds 01.02.10 - Removed special characters for the margins in Terminal-Mask an $LOGFILE