Name: mcrcon (minecraft rcon) Version: 0.0.5 Date: 31.08.2012 License: zlib/libpng License Contact: WWW: MAIL: tiiffi_at_gmail_dot_com IRC: tiiffi @ quakenet Description: Mcrcon is powerful IPv6 compliant minecraft rcon client with bukkit coloring support. It is well suited for remote administration and to be used as part of automated server maintenance scripts. Does not cause "IO: Broken pipe" or "IO: Connection reset" spam in server console. Features: - Interacive terminal mode. Keeps the connection alive. - Send multiple commands in one command line. - Silent mode. Does not print rcon output. - Support for bukkit coloring on Windows and Linux (sh compatible shells). - Multiplatform code. Compiles on many platforms with only minor changes. Version history: 0.0.5 - IPv6 support! * Thanks to 'Tanja84dk' for addressing the real need of IPv6. - Fixed bug causing crash / segmentation fault (invalid write) when receiving malformed rcon packet. - Program makes use of C99 feature (variable-length arrays) so "-std=gnu99" flag on GCC-compiler must be used to avoid unecessary warnings. - Rcon receive buffer is now bigger (2048 bytes -> 10240 bytes). * Thanks to 'gman_ftw' @ Bukkit forums. - Fixed invalid error message when receiving empty rcon packet (10 bytes). * Thanks to 'pkmnfrk' @ bukkit forums. - Terminal mode now closes automatically when rcon socket is closed by server or if packet size cannot be retrieved correctly. - Client now tries to clean the incoming socket data if last package was out of spec. 0.0.4 - Reverted back to default getopts options error handler (opterr = 1). Custom error handler requires rewriting. - Some comestic fixes in program output strings. - Program usage(); function now waits for enter before exiting on Windows. 0.0.3 - Colors are now supported on Windows too! - Terminal mode is now triggered with "-t" flag. "-i" flag still works for backwards compatibility. - Bug fixes (Packet size check always evaluating false and color validity check always evaluating true). 0.0.2 - License changed from 'ISC License' to 'zlib/libpng License'. - Bug fixes & code cleanups - Interactive mode (-i flag). Client acts as interactive terminal. - Program return value is now the number of rcon commmands sent successfully. If connecting or authentication fails, the return value is -1. - Colors are now enabled by default. Now '-c' flag disables the color support. 0.0.1 - Added experimental support for bukkit colors. Should work with any sh compatible shell. - Packet string data limited to max 2048 (DATA_BUFFSIZE) bytes. No idea how Minecraft handles multiple rcon packets. If someone knows, please mail me so I can implement it. =================================================================================== Batch (.bat) scripts included in Windows binary package: launch.bat: Prompts user for server information and starts mcrcon.exe in terminal mode. create_shortcut.bat: Prompts user for server infromation and creates .bat launch script. This launch (shortcut) script can be used for connecting to the server fast and easily. =================================================================================== Usage: mcrcon [OPTIONS]... [COMMANDS]... Sends rcon commands to minecraft server. Option: -h Prints usage. -s Silent mode. Do not print data received from rcon. -t Terminal mode. Acts as interactive terminal. -p Rcon password. Default: "". -H Host address or ip. -P Port. Default: 25575. -c Do not print colors. Disables bukkit color printing. Invidual commands must be separated with spaces. Example: mcrcon -c -H -P 9999 -p password cmd1 "cmd2 with spaces" minecraft rcon (mcrcon) 0.0.5. Report bugs to tiiffi_at_gmail_dot_com.